Sunday, January 30, 2011


Softly, softly in the staggering night
That has lost its footing in turbulent times
As a forlorn note hangs heavy in the air
A fossilized echo of a long lost rhyme

Softly, softly lest you lose your step
Knock once on my door and then fade away
For the memory lingers when the moment has fled
And I know that you don't have the freedom to stay

We move, like the shadows, not of our free will
At the whim of the moment, we stagger or fall
But the mind is still free, so knock soft on my door
And let me remember you answered my call

Softly, softly the morning returns
As the needs and desires of night ebb away
Yet, the knock on the door has been etched like a note
In the dark, silent heart of the turmoil of day

1 comment:

  1. This one is my favorite so far... I loved these lines the most..

    "Softly, softly lest you lose your step
    Knock once on my door and then fade away
    For the memory lingers when the moment has fled
    And I know that you don't have the freedom to stay."

    But I guess my 'careless arrogance' of youth still can't come to terms with the fact that the most pristine things are so ephemeral.. I do realize this but still fail to accept it! But a most wonderful poem.
