Sunday, January 30, 2011


The eagle still soars in the summit of heaven
And watches the earth in descent
And we pay, as interest, day by day our lives
For the time death has to us lent
We replayed the thoughts of Mr. Eliot
And the verses of Lorca and Pound
Will our ruminations be thus honoured
Or dark silence devour our sound
And no finger press down on no button
No new eagle then tend to soar
And the earth then be tossed, on galactic waves
To a distant and lack-lustre shore

The eagle still soars in the summit of heaven
But now everywhere sees the debris of dreams
For our freedom's constraints have moved in on us now
On our thoughts and our bodies and voice
We are free, we can choose, but the question remains
It's not we that present us the choice

The avenue of eternal hope is lined
With tear-stained faces,
Hair on end
And horror at the nightmare
That freedom became
While the dream to be free
To be you, to be me
To be different, or same, to rhetoric confined.

The eagle still soars in the summit of heaven
Wondering who got away, and who did not
And who it was that suffered more
The rise of mankind's sword
Alexander, triumphant, arm aloft
Or the silent Gordian knot.

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